Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Tues 29th Nov 2016

Constanza Macras

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Constanza Macras 
about her dance company Dorky Park.
Photo of Constanza Macras by Marco Caselli (c).


Jayney Klimek

 Interview for Green Tea Berlin with performer and singer 
Jayney Klimek.
Photo by Sara Stein (c) courtesy of Jayney Klimek.



The Whole Programme

Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Sonntag, 27. November 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 29th Nov 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Constanza Macras from Dorky Park 
and singer and performer Jayney Klimek. 
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.
 Photo by Sara Stein (c) courtesy of Jayney Klimek.

Dienstag, 1. November 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Tues 1st Nov 2016

Save Love And Peace

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Carmine and Harry from the band 
 Save Love And Peace - SLAP, winners of the Berlin section of Local Heroes.



On the Road for Green Tea Berlin at Tiefgrund 
and speaking to Simon, Stefan and Jason from Dead Sentries 
and Jason, Chris and Tom from Dysnea Boys.
Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 1st Nov 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Carmine and Harry from Save Love And Peace - SLAP 
winners of the Berlin section of Local Heroes 
and is On the Road at Tiefgrund 
and speaking to Simon, Stefan and Jason from Dead Sentries
 and Jason, Chris and Tom from Dysnea Boys.
On Tuesday 1st November on Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.

Green Tea Berlin

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2016

The Whole Green Tea Berlin Shows

Green Tea Berlin 4th Oct 2016

Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with Thérèse Browne from New Vintage by Browne
and Patrick Bartsch aka Master Patrick, This is My Art Life.
New Vintage by Browne - Every garment tells a story
Patrick Bartsch aka Master Patrick

Green Tea Berlin  21st Sept 2016

Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with Mick Harvey (2013) formerly from The Bad Seeds and Nick Cave (1985) from the video magazine Off Air and follows the 40 year music history from the Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party and The Bad Seeds to coincide with the release of the 16th album Skeleton Tree.

Green Tea Berlin 24th Aug 2016

Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with singer and musician Miss Natasha Enquist about her debut album MNE and On the Road speaking to Christian Morin from Pop-Kultur Berlin
about the upcoming festival in Neukölln from 31.08.16 - 02.09.16.
Miss Natasha Enquist
Pop-Kultur Berlin

Green Tea Berlin 27th July 2016 

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with singer and songwriter Nina Hynes from Ireland.
Green Tea Berlin is On the Road at the Funkhaus Openstudios and speaking to artists Sabatino Cersosimo (Italy), Roey Heifetz (Israel) and Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby (Australia).

Green Tea Berlin 29th June 2016

The Summer Show
Johanna Blackstone www.johannablackstone.com 
Blackstone Studios www.blackstonestudios.de
Slow Slow Loris www.slowslowloris.com
Yvan Volochine www.yvanvolochine.com
The Somnambulist www.thesomnambulistberlin.com
Circus Folk & Flower Punks
Megan Spencer www.themeganspencer.com
Kate Seabrook www.kateseabrook.com
Mark Reeder www.5point1.org
Love Lanes www.lovelanes.bandcamp.com
John Murphy www.theepicurean.bigcartel.com/produc...
The Wild Word www.thewildword.com

Green Tea Berlin 1st June 2016

Green Tea Berlin features recordings of John Murphy and a selection of his sonic works from the CD compilations "All My Sins Remembered - The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy".
The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy
Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Kusi Okamura from The Wild Word.

Five Years Green Tea Berlin 4th May 2016

Green Tea Berlin features a selection of interviews
taken from over a hundred interviews held over the past five years.
2011 Ivalo Frank www.ivalofrank.com Andreas Tesch www.tesch-ceramics.de
2012 Kunsthaus Tacheles www.tacheles.info NK Projekt www.nkprojekt.de
2013 Mick Harvey www.mickharvey.com Sameheads www.sameheads.com
2014 Ausland www.ausland-berlin.de
Harry Howard www.harryhowardandthende.bandcamp.com
2015 Love Lanes www.lovelanes.bandcamp.com Andrew Unruh www.neubauten.org
2016 Slow Slow Loris www.slowslowloris.bandcamp.com Mark Reeder www.5point1.org

Green Tea Berlin from 4th Oct 2016

Thérèse Browne

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Thérèse Browne 
from New Vintage by Browne - Every garment tells a story.

Photo of the 1950 Hermès gloves by Faré courtesy of New Vintage by Browne.

Patrick Bartsch

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Patrick Bartsch aka Master Patrick 
about his paintings, his book and his art life.

Freitag, 30. September 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 4th Oct 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Thérèse Browne from New Vintage by Browne 
and Patrick Bartsch aka Master Patrick, This is My Art Life.
Painting courtesy of Patrick Bartsch.
New Vintage by Browne - Every garment tells a story
Patrick Bartsch aka Master Patrick

Every 4 weeks. Tuesdays. 3 pm. Alex Berlin 91.0

Dienstag, 20. September 2016

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 21st Sept 2016

The Birthday Party & The Bad Seeds

Green Tea Berlin features interviews with Mick Harvey (2013) formerly from The Bad Seeds
and Nick Cave (1985) from the video magazine Off Air and follows the 40 year music history
from the Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party and The Bad Seeds 
to coincide with the release of the 16th album Skeleton Tree.

On Alex Radio and 88.4 Fm from 1 pm.


Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Alex Berlin 91.0


Attention! New Broadcast Times for Green Tea Berlin from October 2016

The next Green Tea Berlin will be on 
Tues 4th October on Alex Berlin 91.0 FM from 3 pm til 4 pm.

Green Tea Berlin - Berlin's artists, musicians and creative people. On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM,
every 4 weeks, Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm.

Green Tea Berlin - Berlins Künstler, Musiker und kreative Menschen. Auf Alex Berlin 91,0 FM, vierwöchentlich, Dienstags zwischen 15 und 16 Uhr.

Donnerstag, 25. August 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 24th August 2016

Natasha Enquist

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with singer, musician and performer 
Miss Natasha Enquist about her debut album MNE.

Cover artwork courtesy of Miss Natasha Enquist.
Photography by Magnus Arrevad
Jewellery by PERLENSÄUE


Pop-Kultur Berlin 

On the Road for Green Tea Berlin and speaking to 
Christian Morin from Pop-Kultur Berlin 
about the upcoming Pop-Kultur Neukölln festival from 31.08.16 - 02.09.16.

Green Tea Berlin on Facebook: 

Donnerstag, 18. August 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 24th August 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
singer and musician Miss Natasha Enquist about her debut album MNE and 
On the Road speaking to Christian Morin from Pop-Kultur Berlin 
about the upcoming festival in Neukölln from 31.08.16 - 02.09.16.

On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM from 1 til 2 pm.

Miss Natasha Enquist

Pop-Kulutr Berlin

Photo coutesy of Miss Natasha Enquist.
Photography by Magnus Arrevad
Outfit by Ambra Fiorenza

Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page:

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 27th July 2016

Nina Hynes

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with singer and songwriter Nina Hynes from Ireland.


Funkhaus Openstudios

Green Tea Berlin is On the Road at the Funkhaus Openstudios 
and speaking to artists Sabatino Cersosimo (Italy), 
Roey Heifetz (Israel) and Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby (Australia).




Sonntag, 24. Juli 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 27th July 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
singer and songwriter Nina Hynes from Ireland and 
On the Road at the Funkhaus Openstudios 
and speaking to artists Sabatino Cersosimo (Italy), Roey Heifetz (Israel) 
and Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby (Australia).

Green Tea Berlin on Facebook:

Montag, 27. Juni 2016

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 29th June 2016

The Summer Show

Green Tea Berlin features excerpts from interviews from January until June 2016. 
On Alex Radio & 88.4 FM at 1 pm.



Johanna Blackstone www.johannablackstone.com
Blackstone Studios www.blackstonestudios.de


Slow Slow Loris www.slowslowloris.com
Yvan Volochine www.yvanvolochine.com



The Somnambulist www.thesomnambulistberlin.com
Circus Folk & Flower Punks
Megan Spencer www.themeganspencer.com
Kate Seabrook www.kateseabrook.com


Mark Reeder www.5point1.org



Green Tea Berlin's Facebook Page:

Link to the Alex Radio live stream:

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 1st June 2016

John Murphy

Green Tea Berlin features recordings of John Murphy 
and a selection of his sonic works from the CD compilations 
"All My Sins Remembered - The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy".
These spoken recordings are from 2011 and 2014  respectively.

Photo of John Murphy courtesy of Zeena Schreck.

The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy

The Wild Word

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Kusi Okamura from The Wild Word.


Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 1st June 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring recordings of 
John Murphy and a selection of his sonic works from the CD compilations 
"All My Sins Remembered - The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy" 
and is On the Road speaking to Kusi Okamura from The Wild Word.

On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM fron 1 pm Berlin time.

The Sonic Worlds of John Murphy

The Wild Word

Link to the radio livestream

Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Freitag, 29. April 2016

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 4th May 2016

Five Years of Green Tea Berlin

Green Tea Berlin features a selection of interviews 
taken from over a hundred interviews held over the past five years.
Ivalo Frank www.ivalofrank.com
Andreas Tesch www.tesch-ceramics.de
Kunsthaus Tacheles www.tacheles.info
NK Projekt www.nkprojekt.de
Mick Harvey www.mickharvey.com
Sameheads www.sameheads.com
Ausland www.ausland-berlin.de
Harry Howard www.harryhowardandthende.bandcamp.com
Love Lanes www.lovelanes.bandcamp.com
Andrew Unruh www.neubauten.org
Slow Slow Loris www.slowslowloris.bandcamp.com
Mark Reeder www.5point1.org

Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Mittwoch, 6. April 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 6th April 2016

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with music producer Mark Reeder 
about his film "B Movie - Lust and Sound in West Berlin", 
his music endeavours and Joy Division.


B Movie - Lust and Sound in West Berlin

Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Dienstag, 5. April 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 6th April 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring music producer Mark Reeder 
about his creative endeavours, the film B Movie - Lust and Sound in West Berlin 
and Joy Division.



On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM from 1 pm.

 Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page

Mittwoch, 9. März 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 9th March 2016

The Somnambulist

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Marco from the band The Somnambulist 
about their latest single Transverberate. 

Circus Folk + Flower Punks

Green Tea Berlin is On The Road and speaks to the photographers 
Megan Spencer and Kate Seabrook 
about their exhibition Circus Folk + Flower Punks 
at the Australian Embassy in Berlin from the 9th March until 27th May 2016.

Circus Folk + Flower Punks


 Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page:

Montag, 7. März 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 9th March 2016

Photo of Amelia Jane Hunter courtesy of Megan Spencer.

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Marco from the band The Somnambulist about their latest single Transverberate 
On The Road speaking to the photographers Megan Spencer and Kate Seabrook 
about their exhibition Circus Folk + Flower Punks 
at the Australian Embassy in Berlin from the 9th March until 27th May 2016.

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 10th Feb 2016

Slow Slow Loris

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with
 Angie Nina Yeowell (ANY) and Robert Heim (G6PD) 
from Slow Slow Loris.


Yvan Volochine

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with musician and digital artist Yvan Volochine.


 Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page:

Montag, 8. Februar 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 10th Feb 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
 Angie Nina Yeowell (ANY) and Robert Heim (G6PD) from Slow Slow Loris 
and musician and digital artist Yvan Volochine.

On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM at 1 pm.

Photo courtesy of Slow Slow Loris.


Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page:

Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2016

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 13th Jan 2016

Johanna Blackstone

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Opera Singer and Performer Johanna Blackstone.
Photo of The Clockwork Faerie courtesy of Johanna Blackstone.


 Blackstone Studios

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Gerrit Haasler from Blackstone Studios, Radio Trasmission Music and Kunst als Strafe.


Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page:

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 16th Jan 2016

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with opera singer and performer Johanna Blackstone from The Clockwork Faerie and Kunst als Strafe 
and Gerrit Haasler from Blackstone Studios and Radio Transmission Music.

On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM on Wed 13th Jan at 1pm.
Photo of Johanna Blackstone and Gerrit Haasler.


Like Green Tea Berlin's Facebook page: